Countdown to
In a successful side-event of the UN Climate Conference in Poznán today, ICCO and eight European ecumenical partners launched their new campaign Countdown to Copenhagen. In December 2009 in Copenhagen, an agreement has to be reached on a follow up to the current Kyoto Protocol.
The focus of the campaign is twofold. Firstly that the clock is ticking and we have no time to waste. Secondly, it emphasizes the necessity of an equitable framework for fighting climate change, in which the costs for mitigation and adaptation should be paid according to each country’s historical responsibility and capacity.
“If the rich countries can bailout their banks just like that, why can’t they bailout the planet?”, said Meena Raman from Friends of the Earth Malaysia when discussing the rich countries’ unwillingness to pay their due bill.
Announcing the event, four volunteers walked around the conference and handed out flyers. They called a lot of attention because they were wearing large clock suits that symbolize the countdown. I was one of them and I must say that I had never been so much photographed in my life.
The event itself lasted for two hours and counted with 5 panelists from the South, among them one Fair Climate ambassador, who is originally from
Judging from the full room and the receptivity of the public, we can say that the event was a success and that so does the campaign promise to be.
You can join the campaign by signing the
by Raimer Rodrigues Rezende
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